Monday, February 28, 2011

Jared on Mormon Stories

Several months ago we discovered the wonderful Mormon Stories Podcast. Started by John Dehlin, this podcast series seeks to "interview interesting people about Mormon-related current events, issues, media  and culture." There are lots of fascinating interviews from which we have learned TONS. And now Jared is among them! Jared's interview is titled "An Academic Introduction to the New Testament".  It is basically a crash course in the New Testament from an academic viewpoint. I'm really excited to listen to it and learn more myself! If you missed the hyperlink above, check it out here.

A small disclaimer: The ideas presented are going to be quite different from what you get in LDS Sunday School or Seminary. The purpose of this podcast is to share how scholars evaluate the evidence and what conclusions they come to after dedicating their lives to studying this material. It is not Jared's intent to destroy faith, and it includes his account of how he reconciles his faith and studies. He freely acknowledges there are other approaches that also work. Finally, he welcomes any discussion on the interview page. 

I'm so proud of you, babe!

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