From the Historic Photos & Prints of Breastfeeding Facebook Page
I feel passionately that breastfeeding is normal and obviously the best and most natural way to nourish our babies.Unfortunately, many mothers do not get the information, help and support they need to successfully breastfeed. I think part of the problem is that we do not SEE enough breastfeeding in our culture. Hence, this project was born. I want to show the normalcy of breastfeeding through beautiful photographs.
I'm currently taking a break from this project, with one exception. I would love to have more racial diversity on the site. If you are a breastfeeding woman of color willing to be photographed, please email me at redbeanphotoATgmailDOTcom. Or if you are a photographer who would like to contribute high quality photos of breastfeeding mothers email me! Thanks!
See the project at www.atmothersbreast.com