Friday, April 24, 2009

woo hoo!

Jared took his LAST exam EVER today! He's been studying for months for his comprehensive exams which are the last step of his PhD program before starting his dissertation. They basically consisted of showing up and writing a research paper out of his head in 4 hours. He did that 4 times plus he had 2 language exams-one in Greek and one in Hebrew. And he's done!!! Yay! I'm so excited to have my husband back and Asher is SO excited to have his daddy back. 

I'm so proud of you, babe!


  1. i am mentally exhausted just reading all of that.

    what a hero!

  2. Yay for Jared passing his comps! But as a grad school professor, don't think you have him back yet. 99% of the time the dissertation is more work than the classes. Writing allows for greater flexibility though.

  3. Jared's actually been done with classes for over a year. And I know the dissertation is going to be tons of work. But it's on his own time and not the intense studying that comps required. So we have him back for awhile... until the next big deadline---the dissertation proposal.

  4. If he's good with time management (which it sounds like he is), he'll do great. The students of mine that are crazy busy with their proposal are the ones that didn't work on it gradually as they went. They don't quite get it that you can't write a dissertation overnight!

  5. Wow, congrats! What a huge accomplishment. This is a great picture of Jared.

  6. So great! And I agree--great pic.
