One more thing about Idol and then I'm done. I just wanted to say how great it is that both the Davids seem to be such nice, humble guys. Case in point:
David Cook: You know, the respect that I have for David Archuleta is very much past a competitor thing. He has more talent at his age than I know what to do with at 25. So, to be able to share the stage with him was an honor for me. Read more here
David Archuleta: Cook, he’s like my big brother. I’ve learned so much. I’ve looked up to him since the beginning of this. He’s just such a great guy — really humble, down to earth and I just feel like I can’t believe I’m standing next to him. Read more here
Isn't it nice to know that they genuinely like and respect each other?
Wow, that really is nice. I hadn't read either of those comments. They did seem to be really nice to each other the whole time. Sometimes you get a hint of underlying bad feelings but I didn't this time.