Tuesday, February 12, 2008

pregnancy is weird

It really is. It is a bizarre thing to be inhabited by another living person. And it is strange to see your body morph as that person grows. And I'm just getting started! I'm starting to show a bit more as my tummy expands. But this is what I don't get: I haven't actually gained any weight. The scale is not changing despite my growing midsection. Which leaves me to conclude that other parts of me must be shrinking. Jared pointed out yesterday that my pants are baggier in my butt and legs. And I think my arms may be a bit smaller too. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm the type that has always gained and lost weight all over my body, so to only be getting bigger in my belly is kinda weird to me. Of course, that is the way I'd like it to be since I am pregnant and not just getting fat, so I am NOT complaining. It's just a little strange to me that I haven't gained weight yet. I keep thinking one of these days I'll get on the scale and will have gained 5 pounds overnight. I'm waiting.


  1. I think it's because right now, your uterus is just expanding, so it's taking up quite a bit more room but it doesn't really weigh that much more yet.

    But don't worry, the weight will come--at least it is now that I'm in the third trimester. Ugh. I'm getting really ready to have my body back. I just hope it goes back to "normal."

  2. You're right, pregnancy IS weird. Almost weekly or even daily, something strange happens to my body and I have to refrain from calling the doctor :) Count your blessings about not gaining weight yet... those pounds will come!! Also be grateful you're not losing weight from puking!

  3. I lost a ton of weight puking, but with dd#1, I just looked chubby all over and no big belly. ( I only had two pairs of pregnancy pants and 1 shirt). With DD#2, I shrank everywhere and had a bit of bigger belly. Sometimes, it's nice to be tall.

  4. i know exactly what you mean! i gained not a single pound until my 25 week checkup--I was thinking, "wow, pregnancy is the miracle diet!" but as rach noted, your baby is so teensy right now that there's really no weight from your little one yet.

    and i also noticed the shrinking-elsewhere phenomenon. i think part of it is that my growing tummy pulled any other miscellaneous loose skin its way!

  5. Wow, I'm impressed it took that long for you to gain weight, Rach. I am fully expecting to suddenly get huge one of these days. I mean I only threw up once so it seems highly unlikely that I could get lucky in the weight department as well. And as long as I expect the worst, I will be pleasantly surprised by anything better. :-)

  6. Just keep working out and eating well! Take it from someone who didn't on her first. The weight is WAY harder to get off than you think it will be. But you could just be extremely lucky too. I am really hoping that you are because the after baby body can be a little depressing. It's a really good thing you are so small to begin with!
