Monday, December 3, 2007


So I happened to go check out my wedding photographer's website the other day, and he had redone the design. And guess who is on the first page? Moi! Made me feel special. Have I told you I'm a dork?


  1. Definitely worthy of being on the main page of a website-such pretty pix and such a pretty bride!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In case you're wondering what the mysterious delete was-my comment was duplicated-I should've just left it seeing how I'm now leaving another comment explaining what would have been obvious...

  4. Who wouldn't be a little vain in that situation? No one. You are just more honest than other people might be.

  5. a) you are so photogenic it makes me sick.

    b) not really. but jealous, definitely.

    c) can't blame him for putting those shots on the front page. they're gorgeous!

  6. of course you're on the front page! you're gorgeous!

  7. First, that's not dorky because you look GORGEOUS!! Seriously, I know I'm gushing, but wow. So beautiful.

    Now you have your own portfolio! You can just send people over to his site and say, "I'll have my people contact your people." and stuff like that.

  8. You're a cute little dork though... :)

  9. Thanks ladies! You are too kind. :-) The funny thing is, honestly, those aren't even my favorite pictures he took. I guess we really are our own worst critic.
