Wednesday, October 3, 2007

what does milk cost where you live?

I'm not sure if this is just a North Carolina thing or what, but milk has gotten incredibly expensive! At most grocery stores around here it is over $4 a gallon for skim milk! I spent $4.09 at Target a few weeks ago, and I noticed it was $4.19 at Food Lion. We have found that Costco not surprisingly has the best price at $3.19 the last time we were there, but it is too far away to go too often. So we have been getting milk at Whole Foods Market. Their store brand skim milk is usually about $3.50.

So, I'm wondering, what does milk cost where you live?


  1. 3.86...we've decided it's a good time to rotate our food storage. we've found that if we mix 1/2 a gallon of powdered milk with 1/2 a gallon of skim, it's pretty palatable. of course, if you buy the provident pantry brand of powdered milk (as opposed to the church cannery variety, which is about a third of the cost of provident pantry), you can drink it straight!

  2. $2.99 baby...oh yeah:)
    (and I thought that was steep...sheesh)

  3. Everywhere I go it's 2 for $7.00! Breaks my heart when just a year and a half ago, I was buying 3 gallons for $5 at the BYU creamery. (sniff, sniff.)

    Oh well. No use crying over pricey milk, right?

  4. Until about 2 months ago, we could get milk for $2 at the BYU Creamery. Now it's $2.39, which is still cheaper than everywhere else. Elsewhere, milk averages about $2.50 to $2.80.

    So I guess Utah's still better off than everyone else!

    This is Rachael's sister Mary Beth, by the way. I don't know that I've ever commented here before--but I do blog-hop over from Rachael's quite often. >.>

  5. I hear ya! Milk is sooo expensive. We are totally pining for our Orem Super Walmart prices. Milk here is usually around $3.89 a gallon. Cottage cheese is right up there too- $3 for the bigger one.

  6. i think it was 2 for $6 when i went the other day. which reminds me...we're almost out.

  7. Well, I buy organic. I have for years now, and it's just something that I'm willing to budget for. It's spendy yes, but we aren't huge milk drinkers anyway. It's usually about $3.30 - $3.60 and they only come in half gallon cartons. It's worth it to me!
