Monday, September 21, 2009

good read: The Duggars: 20 and Counting!

I just finished reading The Duggars: 20 and Counting and have to say that it is really good! I have always been pretty fascinated by the Duggars, a family with 18 going on 19 children, and have seen several of the TV shows about them. I really admire their thrift, family values, and faith in God. This book just increased my admiration for them. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are very frank and honest about answering questions and telling their story. Plus, they explain how they stay organized and run their household. We all have something to learn from them.

I was especially impressed by how Christ centered their lives are. They truly do put God first and are wonderful examples of good Christian living. From everything they talked about, they seem to be extremely Christ like and are teaching their children to be so also.

They also live completely debt free and save up for everything... including cars and their house, which they built mostly themselves.

And their children are all so well-behaved and happy... I'm very impressed.

While I don't plan on having even close to 19 children... we already have a large family by modern standards and do plan on having more children. Sometimes that seems overwhelming, but seeing that the Duggars can happily manage such a large family, gives me confidence that I can manage mine.

I'd like to share their list of family guidelines. I would love to implement more of these in our home.

1. Always use soft words, even when you don't feel well.
2. Always display kind actions, even if you have been mistreated.
3. Show joyful attitudes even when no one is looking.
4. Have sincere motives with no thought of self-gain.
5. Think pure thoughts.
6. Always give a good report of others. Never tattle-tale unless physical harm will come to someone.
7. Never raise a hand to hit.
8. Never raise a foot to kick.
9. Never raise an object to throw.
10. Never raise a voice to yell.
11. Never raise an eye to scowl.
12. use one toy/activity at a time.
13. Never let the sun go down on your wrath.
14. J.O.Y. : Put Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. Make serving family a priority.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I really love their family guidelines...they are all about being kind and I'd like my children to grow up--I have some improving to do as well!
