Monday, May 4, 2009

movie night

We just watched The Day the Earth Stood Still. It was Jared's pick and not one I had been very interested in watching. Keanu Reeves is so boring, right? But I was actually quite pleasantly surprised. The movie was really interesting and it turns out Keanu plays a personality-less alien quite well. Yes, this is an alien movie, a genre I'm not crazy about although I did watch Independence Day a lot growing up. ("Welcome to Earth!") However, this movie is not the typical alien movie. It's actually pretty smart and has a lot of biblical references. Without spoiling anything, the basic premise is that in order to save planet Earth, some alien civilizations decide they have to destroy mankind. Of course, the humans aren't too happy about that so there are a few scuffles. Overall, it was a fun watch and I recommend it. 


  1. I am not surprised at all that Keanu played a personality less alien very well. It's good to hear about this movie because I only remember a few commercials for it and we are always looking for good Redbox movies.

  2. exactly what i thought of the movie. :) dull alien. Good thing I think he's cute. ha ha!

  3. Really? You didn't find it to have an illogical conclusion?

    Oh, well... humans may hate the earth, but that woman loves that little boy... and oh wait... the little boy called her "mom"!! And mankind lives to see another day! The end.

  4. I think it was all about that when we hit the breaking point, humans will finally change. And that's what happened and so they were spared.

    It's not a perfect movie, but it was enjoyable to watch. And as I said, I had low expectations to begin with. :-)

  5. You crack me up about Keanu Reeves. Have you seen Thumbsucker? He's perfect in that because he plays exactly that character that he so naturally does.
