We had a really fun and non-traditional Thanksgiving this year. Last year it was Indian food, this year we did Japanese with our wonderful friends Molly and Arnie.
But first we hit up the movie theater to see Australia. It was good! Very long, but hello--Hugh Jackman for three hours=very good.
We brought Asher along for his first movie going experience. He was asleep when we got there but woke up when the previews started and proceeded to watch most of the movie. He was amazingly good! He slept for a little bit in the middle, but other than when I fed him, he watched the rest of the movie. It was really cute. He even talked to the screen. I wish I could have gotten a picture of him watching the movie, but I didn't think our fellow movie goers would appreciate that.
After the movie we met up with Molly, Arnie, and baby Thea (10 days old). Molly wanted to take advantage of not having her older two kids (They were at the grandparents in Virginia) and go out to eat. So we went out to a Japanese Steakhouse.
Good times were had by all.
Many thanks to the sweet Japanese lady who took this photo, even though we aren't in focus.
And many, many thanks to Molly and Arnie for hanging out with us on Thanksgiving!
Also, my little brother Michael came home from his mission in Brazil on Thursday. I was sad we couldn't be in New Mexico but we get to see him in a few weeks.
Welcome home, Mike!

Yeah for your brother coming home! Wow - he looks a lot like your dad!!!