Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, we survived the move across town. I can't express enough how grateful I am for all the people who helped. Between packing and the moving, more than 20 people helped us. There is no way we could have done it without each of them. It is very weird to be in a new home having done so little of the work to get us here. Now that we are here, it's especially hard that I can't do the unpacking and organizing. I have to sit nicely and tell Jared what to do. Things are just going to take a little longer to get organized.

I'm still having contractions throughout the day. I'm just doing my best to keep them to a minimum by staying put as much as possible. I did go to church yesterday, but only for sacrament meeting. I still need to figure out a time to go into work one more time, but I want to wait a few days and take it really easy.

And the kids are coming on Saturday! The plan had been for us to meet them in New York next week to visit Jared's family, but since we can't go anymore, they are coming straight here instead. We are very excited to see them and spend the summer with them. The other day their mom told Jared that Isaac talks about Baby Asher every day. He is so excited to have a little brother. We just don't want their little brother to come too soon!


  1. Glad the move went okay! Sorry you can't do organizing yourself. That would be really hard. Still crossing my fingers that Asher stays put for quite a while.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you survived the move! I am sure it was tough to stay put while all of that was going on.

    How fun that the kids are coming for a visit! Post lots of pictures of the fun things you do this summer! And how fun that the kids will be around when Asher makes his big debut...we'll just pray that it isn't too soon! :)

  3. I'll keep you in my prayers... I hope everything goes as hoped and as expected!

  4. glad that the move went well--I was thinking about you on Saturday and hoping that you were taking it easy and not stressing about getting things unpacked or organized!

  5. Where did you move? I'm so glad your still pregnant! Hang in there, kudos to Jared for being a trooper!

  6. Wow- that's rough. I hated not being able to organize and unpack when we moved. But, it eventually got done. I had no idea what was going on until I just read your blog. You have been one busy lady. I hope you're still in the ward! I wish I could see you and your cute belly!!

  7. Glad you got moved, but now you need to TAKE IT EASY!!!!!

    Take care - Kellan
