Tuesday, May 27, 2008

bed rest for now

Quick update... I spoke with my doctor this afternoon and she wants me on bed rest at least until I see her on Thursday. These next few weeks are crucial for our little guy and we want him to stay in there! I went into work for a couple hours today just to wrap up some loose ends but I probably won't be going in the rest of the week and might be done completely since next week was supposed to be my last week anyway. We'll see. I've been having more contractions so I'm trying to really limit my movement. Jared is actually going to get a new laptop tonight, so that will be nice for me to have during this. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! It means so much to us.


  1. Oh my goodness Katrina! I hope little boy stays put for a while longer! What a blessing that work ends early for you! Isn't it strange how things work out? ;)

  2. Oh my! Take it easy (yes, I'm aware that it is easier said than done) and take care! I'm sure it will all work out :) I bet that Baby is just so excited to get into the world and meet his mom and dad and therefor, a little antsy ;) He's unaware that it's quite time for him to arrive... Take care!!

  3. Oh dear! I haven't had internet all weekend and I come back to this! Stay in bed and take it easy!!! You don't want Asher coming too early. I hope things continue to be "boring" for you... so that baby of yours gets his much needed time in your womb!

  4. Fingers crossed that the little guy stays in his nice comfy home for at least a few more weeks!

  5. Katrines! Bed rest until Thursday, eh? Do you want me to overnight my first season of Felicity to keep you company? Heck, do you want me to just come out there? (Just kidding.) Thinking of you.

  6. Oh, Katrina! I'm behind on my blog reading and just saw this. I'm so sorry you are going through this. You'll be in my prayers. Take it very very very easy. Read lots of blogs. ;>

  7. Katrina...I'm so glad you're doing better and that that baby is staying put:) that is scary! You just take it easy and keep eating your yummy apples and playing on your apple computer:) Keep us updated...you're in my prayers.
