Thursday, April 24, 2008

maureen dowd at her best

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times is a fantastic writer. I love reading her Op-Eds. It doesn't matter if one agrees with her or not, she is always clever and creative. Her latest is really entertaining, funny, and full of her creative quips. Check it out: Wilting Over Waffles


  1. It was a pretty good column. And your shade of red seems nearly identical to whatever bottle Maureen is using these days.

  2. Ah, hers is a sorry bottle attempt at red. True red hair can't be found in a bottle. :-)

  3. Sure she is a talented writer - but she also distorts the truth to make the stories better - she should write a novel and not where people reference as fact.

  4. I have only been enjoying her since she reversed course and started taking on the Democratic's been fun to watch everyone turn on themselves.
