Sunday, July 29, 2007


To my devastatingly handsome and superbly kind husband,

Happy 30th Birthday, dearest! I know it's hard to believe you actually have a 3 to start your age now, but you still look 25! I guess that's why you had to marry someone 5.5 years younger than you! And while we're on the subject, I will take this opportunity to wish myself a Happy Half Birthday! Six more months of 24! But getting back to you, I'm so happy that we are together for your 30th birthday! And I'm so happy that it was one year ago today that we spoke for the first time. And even happier that we've spoken everyday since then. What a year it has been!

Remember our first kiss (and all subsequent ones)? I really like kissing you.

Remember all the fabulous meals you've cooked me? Yum!

Remember when you came to New Mexico for Thanksgiving and gave me this and this? Thanks for that. :-)

Remember when we drove across the country together? That was long!

Remember when we moved all your many books into our new apartment? You have a lot of books!

And remember when we painted your house? I'm excited for the time when we paint a house we actually live in.

Remember Thursday night TV watching Smallville and Grey's Anatomy? I'm glad I got you to like Grey's nearly as much as me. Sorry I will never like Smallville as much as you do.

And remember when we got all dressed up and became man and wife? What a beautiful day that was!

Remember all the fun lunches we had while I worked at the Dental School? I'm so glad I got to see you during the day.

Remember flying to Utah together to spend the summer here with the kiddies? It has been quite the adventure so far.

Thank you for these and many, many more memories over the past year! It makes me so happy that we can make each other the happiest we've ever been. I'm excited for the next year and the next 50 and forever after that. I love who I am with you and who we are becoming together. I love every day and every minute we are together.

Thank you for your patience and kindness and loving service. Thank you for cooking yummy meals and doing dishes. Thank you for your hugs and your kisses and your compliments. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for changing my life.

I love you more, Jared.

Happy Birthday!

your love,
